Cheers 2016

 These are a few shots of the current builds. I am working on a batch of 3 guitars, two 00 models for the Guitar Basar Osnabrück and a OM which is not ordered and I hope to keep for myself. Its also the first pictures I took with a new camera which I hope to spend a lot of time with in the following year. I was more and more disappointed and unsatisfied with the pictures of my iphone 4 and my old camera (12 years old!). So this is a big step into the beautiful world of photography for me.

These are also the last pictures of a very busy year 2016 and I am very much looking forward to 2017. I hope you all had some lovely Christmas days with your family and loved ones. Some time to relax and concentrate on the things that matter the most for you. Whatever that may be.

Now lets have a superb and festive start into the year 2017!!! 



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